SeyCCAT’s Blue Grants Fund (BGF) |05 April 2023

Seychelles Nations

Funding up for grabs for local projects that support Seychelles’ ocean

The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) has launched the seventh call for proposals under the Blue Grants Fund (BGF).

The BGF7 is calling for project ideas that support marine conservation, climate adaptation, and the Blue Economy in Seychelles.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their proposals before May 15, 2023, at 

In 2023, the BGF7 seeks to disburse R31 million to impactful and innovative local projects that support marine protected areas, provide science for better fisheries management, promote the rehabilitation of marine and coastal ecosystems, advance climate change adaptation, and develop blue business models. These sectors correspond to the five strategic objectives of SeyCCAT. 

Marie-May Jeremy, chief executive of SeyCCAT, commented: “BGF7 is the biggest call for proposals to date, with more capital made available than ever before. So, this year, we are expanding the scope of eligible projects, and we are opening up all 5 Strategic Objectives. Since its inception, the BGF has supported a wide range of activities, from children’s books to community action and commercial aquaculture projects, so we saw the need for financing across all possible sectors. By broadening our scope, we hope to see even more funding reaching the community and catalysing ocean-positive action.

In addition to the five strategic objectives, the BGF7 applications must support at least one of the cross-cutting themes: research and development, management and implementation, policy and advocacy, education, training and outreach.

The BGF offers small (up to R100,000), medium (up to R1 million), and large grants (up to R2 million) for projects that can be completed in one or two years. Any citizen of Seychelles, locally registered non-profits, businesses, parastatal organisations, government agencies or departments may submit a proposal if they have legally existed and operated in Seychelles for a minimum of one year. 

To apply for a grant, project proponents need to submit a concept note describing their project and its potential impacts. Then, depending on the size of the grant, the successful applicants will be invited to submit a full project proposal document. 

Michel Pierre, the BGF coordinator, emphasises that the application process is straightforward. “It is the seventh BGF cycle, and we have worked with hundreds of applicants by now. We offer ample guidance to help them succeed. For example, BGF applicants can contact the team and schedule a 1-on-1 meeting to go through the application process. We also host in-depth workshops where we take a deep dive into the application forms and even have a dedicated WhatsApp chat for when someone needs a quick tip,” explains Mr Pierre. 

To learn more and start your application, please visit

The application deadline for the BGF 7 is at 5pm (GMT +4) on May 15, 2023. 

Press release from SeyCCAT