A remarkable beautification activity commemorating Clean up the World Day |18 September 2023

Seychelles Nation

  • SFA actively engages staff in environment stewardship

Although it was a wet and windy Saturday morning, the weather did not deter the over fifty employees of the Seychelles Fishing Authority from turning up at their office headquarters at the fishing port to engage in a beautification activity, where they enhanced the grounds of their headquarters with various types of trees and flowers carefully chosen for the occasion.

Such activity was an excellent opportunity for those employees to become more connected to the environment and develop a more profound sense of responsibility towards its preservation.

Designated Minister Jean-François Ferrari joined the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) acting chief executive (CEO) Philippe Michaud, deputy CEO Ashik Hassan and their team for this event, whereby they planted two of the rare coco-de-mer seeds in a symbolic gesture to inspire environment consciousness and raise awareness about the importance of preserving our environment, including the endemic species.

“The coco de mer were chosen as we wanted to send a message to the future generations. Decisions taken today will certainly impact the future generation, and this is a special message for conservation,” said Darrel Antat, SFA’s assistant PR and communication manager.

“Although our main business is fisheries, we know that whatever activity is conducted on land impacts our oceans. Thus, we must keep our environment and surroundings clean, tidy, safe, sustainable and beautiful. We hope this cultivates the conservation culture; this is the message we are trying to send across,” he said.

In view that the SFA headquarters is a newly refurbished building, beautifying its compound was an activity that was planned as part of turning their working environment into more conducive and pleasant surroundings since the team returned to that building in May 2023.

Aesthetically pleasing surroundings and green spaces have been proven to positively impact our well-being, reduce stress and enhance mental health. Hence, this activity was well thought out to unite the staff and for them to take ownership of their office grounds.

In a short address, Designated Minister Ferrari said they should be proud of their collective and inspiring efforts to clean and beautify their environment. In another symbolic gesture, Minister Ferrari and Shana Gill, raised the national flag on a post at the office’s entrance. Miss Gill was the youngest employee of the organisation present at the activity.

SFA has been actively engaged in Clean up the World campaigns; last year, they cleaned zone 14, another one of their properties, to dispose of rubbish, preventing rodents and undesired garbage from ending up in the sea.

“As our offices are a bit all over the place, this activity also brings staff from various other locations into one place, where they mingle as they become conscious of their shared goal and sense of purpose. As they work side by side, in an outdoor environment and in a different setting to what they are used to daily, they develop stronger relationships and foster a greater sense of belonging,” said Mr Antat.

Their hard-working morning culminated in a well-deserved lunch prepared by another team of staff members in their kitchen at the SFA headquarters.

Beautification activities are an effective way to commemorate Clean up World Day and contribute to preserving and enhancing our environment. The enthusiasm and energy that the SFA management and staff were portraying on Saturday morning demonstrated that by being actively engaged in beautification efforts, they fostered a sense of pride, strengthened bonds and committed towards a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful world for themselves, their community and the future generations.

Lina Laurence

Photos: Contributed

Digging was the hardest part due to the type of soil
SFA ladies happily participating in the activity
Minister Ferrari ensures that the seed has the appropriate nutrients to grow