SFA investigates illegal fishing practice |21 October 2023.

Seychelles Nation

The Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) said it has been receiving continuous reports and complaints about undersized Red Snapper being sold on the local market.

In a press release issued yesterday, the SFA said these reports were mainly in the La Retraite, Anse Aux Pins, and Aux Cap regions.  

“Currently, there are ongoing investigations on three separate cases of such illegal fishing in contravention of the Fisheries (Mahé Plateau Trap and Line Fishery) Regulations 2021,” it stated. 

These aforementioned Regulations, among other measures, established a minimum size limit of 32cm for the Emperor Red Snapper and the Green Job Fish (Zob Gri), caught on the Mahé Plateau. 

SFA has reminded fishers that apart from the size limit, the Regulations define firstly bag limits of 20 fish per person per day, which include not more than five red snapper and green job fish. Secondly, limits on traps comprising registration of two traps for recreational fishers and 25 traps for commercial fishers.

Thirdly, restrictions on spawning sites, stating not more than six traps per vessel on spawning sites, no traps during the 7 days spanning full moon, and no traps should be left in the water overnight during spawning season, from September to April.

SFA has also reminded fishers, sellers, buyers and the general public that breaches of any of these Regulations carry a fine of up to R20,000. In the case of commercial fishers, in addition to a fine, other penalties may include suspension or revocation of their fishing license and prohibition from operating any fishing vessel in Seychelles.
