Tania Hoareau

Tania Hoareau shares her love for the sea

As a child Tania Hoareau has always been a sea lover. She casually went fishing, kayaking, and snorkelling with her dad in his glass bottom boat. Her interest in the fisheries aquatic world began after she successfully completed her open water and advance diving certificate at the age of 12. This was a course offered by Big Blue Divers scuba diving centre based in Mare Anglaise, Beau Vallon.

Being able to explore the seabed with its beautiful corals and sea creatures stimulated her imagination.

Tania Hoareau graduated in 2008 with a certificate in navigation and seamanship from the Maritime Training Centre (MTC).

After graduating from the Maritime Training Centre, Tania pursued a career as a manager at the Teddy’s Glass Bottom Boat – a family business belonging to her father. She also holds the title of Captain of 10 nautical mile distance.

Females in a leadership role in the maritime field is no longer farfetched. Tania’s role is to assess the risks of each trip – both on land and at sea. She ensures that all steps are taken to reduce risks to the crew and passengers.  She ensures the emotional and physical well-being of those in her care. It is a great responsibility to supervise and develop the human resources, manage the finances, ensure proper maintenance of spare parts, merchandise, sales and marketing and ensure good customer service.

Her role model has been her father – a source of motivation to bravely take up a career in the maritime industry.

“My father has always been affectionate and supportive towards my career choice. I always wanted to follow in his footsteps,” says Tania.

Tania feels honoured to be part of her father’s team and she has learned so much from a parental and professional side from him.

Tania is highly passionate about marine conservation. Her aim is to do her best to protect and preserve the marine ecosystem through proper management. On a daily basis she educates her peers and clients on the dangers of over-exploitation of the marine resources. She educates them about the value of marine protected areas, encourages the use of sustainable fishing practises and reducing marine pollution.

The people around her has always encouraged her to go beyond her limits to achieve excellence.

“At present I continue to reflect upon the immeasurable values of my mentors and the profound impact they have had in my life from the time I was a student to date,” says Tania.

I hope that by sharing my experience through the knowledge and skills I have acquired, I can be a source of inspiration for others wishing to pursue their studies in the maritime field,” she adds.

She explains that her parcours has not been easy, but somehow she is pleased to have joined the tourism and fishing industry whereby she has witnessed an increase in the number of young women entering the industry compared to previous years.

One of the main worries of Tania is the increase in coral bleaching, which is highly evident in the surrounding of the St Anne marine park among other popular concerns.

Her advice to the youngsters who are interested in pursuing a career in the fishing industry is “remain open-minded”.

“There are ample of opportunities out there. They only need to remain focused and consistent. Stay abreast of current affairs in the sector,” she explains.

As a young professional she wants to promote the conservation of the coastal areas that are exposed to erosion, especially the coastline of Beau Vallon.

Tania reaffirms that a world without corals is synonymous to economic disaster for small Island developing states. Fisheries and tourism are directly dependent on healthy coral reefs to ensure a healthy ecosystem.

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