Fisheries Week |23 November 2023

Nation Seychelles

Andy Stephen – Senior Enumerator

“For me fisheries represents a career that most people depend on for their livelihood. It also brings financial revenue for private and government sector. This year’s theme for Fisheries Week harmonises all fisheries partners together so that we can all contribute to the sustainability of the fisheries sector. As a senior enumerator of SFA, my contribution is to continue to collect data on various landing sites for annual reports and also help government make better decision for the future of the sector.”


Emilie Augustin – Senior Statistics Officer

Fisheries represents the number 1 pillar of our economy. It is a vital economic sector and a source of income for many of our people. In a way it harmonises the community for we all have fisheries in common. 

This year’s theme for Fisheries Week explains the chain that connects us to the ocean. Even though some people personally do not work in the fisheries industry, but we know friends or family that do so and it connects us. As an SFA staff, I contribute to the theme by sharing my knowledge and my passion with others. Sharing the things that inspired me once to join the industry.” 


Ferdinand Theresine – Assistant Manager for Praslin Outstation

“Being on the inner islands, fisheries is my everyday life. I am in it everyday. My life revolves around fishermen. This year’s theme for fisheries week emphasises the scientific knowledge of fishermen. They know the weather, they know fisheries science, they know the community they serve. They are the guardians of the sustainability of our oceans. I contribute to this theme by offering advice and guidance to fishermen. On a daily basis whether I am on duty or not, I help safeguard this sustainability that we hold dear.”