Blue Economy Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan 2023 to be launched today   |25 July 2023

Seychelles Nation

The Seychelles’ Department of the Blue Economy (DBE) is today launching its ‘Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan 2023’ with funding support from the European Union, under the long-term technical assistance to support the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) implementation in Seychelles.

The DBE’s objective is to support the sustainable development and management of the Seychelles’ ocean-based resources while promoting economic growth, social development, and environmental protection.

To help the department in this regard, the communication strategy aims to raise awareness and understanding of the Seychelles’ blue economy agenda through the building of partnerships and collaborations so that actions can be mobilised towards ocean-based sustainable development in Seychelles.

In view that the Seychelles Blue Economy is multi-sectorial, multifaceted and faces specific challenges, and opportunities in its implementation, the DBE will have to work across sectors and in collaboration and partnerships with various stakeholders across government, private sector entities, and civil society organisations.

Such sectors include fisheries, aquaculture, maritime transport, marine renewable energy, and tourism, to develop targeted actions and strategies that support the sustainable use of ocean resources.

The implementation of the communication strategy will be done using a targeted approach of the different audience that has been identified. This will be through key messages targeting key audiences through specific channels, and tactics to ensure that the Blue Economy messages are received by all stakeholders and the general population.


The principal secretary for the DBE, Philliane Ernesta, with the Communications Strategy
The Communications Strategy
Souvenir photo of the Department of Blue Economy team with the communications strategy