Seized dolphin meat destroyed |08 May 2023

Seychelles Nation

Over 475kg of salted dolphin meat that were seized in March were disposed of on Saturday in the Seychelles Hospital’s incinerator.

The exhibits, seized into a case of ‘Prohibition against killing or taking any marine mammals alive or dead in Seychelles waters contrary to section 32 (4) of the Fisheries Act, 2014 (act 20 of 21)’, were destroyed as per court order given by Chief Justice Rony Govinden.

A local fishing vessel was intercepted on March 28 by the Seychelles Coast Guard north east of Denis Island. On board the vessel were 6 Sri Lankan males and 19 gunny bags of what suspected to be dolphin meat. The vessel was inspected on its arrival at Port Victoria on March 30 and the exhibits weighed-in at 472.45kgs.

On April 14, 2023 CJ Govinden ordered the disposal of the exhibits.

The content of the 19 gunny bags were then transferred into 19 boxes and sent to the incinerator.

Present to witness the disposal of the meat were Registrar Julianna Esticot, high officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and members of the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA).

It is said that this is the biggest amount of meat seized so far.

Police sub-inspector Jimroy Jeannevol said they have to make sure that every exhibit is completely burnt before saying they have successfully disposed of the meat.

Diane Larame

Photos by Louis Toussaint